
Cost of Dental Implants - Jacksonville, FL

your dream smile
is within reach

Older man patient close-up
I No Longer Have To Worry About Hiding My Smile Thanks To Dental ImplantsNOT YET RATED

Life-Changing Care for Your Complete Dental Health

Does it feel like a lifetime since you felt truly confident in your smile? Has it been a while since you could enjoy a meal without limiting yourself to just soft foods? 

If you’re living with failing and missing teeth, pain, sensitivity, and discomfort is probably a regular part of your life. Failing dental health takes a toll on your physical and emotional wellbeing. Feeling ashamed of your teeth can affect your confidence, your social life, and even your job prospects. Teeth that don’t function properly can mean poor nutrition and constant discomfort.

Our team at Riverside Dental is here to help. We can put an end to your painful and discouraging tooth problems with full mouth solutions that fit your lifestyle, smile goals, and budget! From dentures to full mouth dental implants in Jacksonville, FL, you’ll find the compassionate, personal care you want with our amazing team. Your superior results with truly change your life. 

Take back control of your dental health and remember what it feels like to love your smile!

We can put an end to your painful and discouraging tooth problems with full mouth solutions that fit your lifestyle, smile goals, and budget!

Older man patient close-up

We Have the Right Solution for You

No two smiles are the same, and you need dental solutions that fit your life and your finances. That’s why we offer a range of solutions to replace missing and failing teeth: traditional dentures, implant supported dentures, and permanent full mouth dental implants. Each options has its pros and cons. 

When you work with our cosmetic and implant dentists in Jacksonville, FL, we’ll help you fully understand the benefits of each option so you can make a fully informed decision about your dental treatment plan.

Dental Implant Options

dentures model

Traditional Dentures

Traditional Dentures were once the only option for replacing missing teeth. A traditional full denture sits over the gums, using suction to stay in place. Because they float over the gums, they’re made from light-weight material, and can’t withstand normal biting forces, meaning denture wearers will have limited food choices. Because the bone that once supported the teeth no longer receives the stimulation of normal chewing, it will slowly shrink. That means the fit of your denture will change over time, requiring adjustments such as relining and periodic replacement. Patients must have enough saliva to create effective suction to keep their dentures in place, so this is not a great option for patients struggling with dry mouth problems. Traditional dentures are non-invasive, and the most affordable option for replacing missing teeth.
implant supported dentures model

Implant Supported Dentures

Implant Supported Dentures are similar to a traditional denture but are held in place by dental implant posts to prevent shifting and slipping. This removable option has much better stability than a traditional denture and can sometimes be crafted without covering the roof of your mouth for better comfort and less interference when you speak. If you’re concerned about the average cost of dental implants, keep in mind that an implant supported denture generally only needs a few posts for stability, helping to reduce your dental implant cost.

Permanent Full Mouth Dental Implants

Permanent Full Mouth Dental Implants are the ideal way to replace missing teeth. With a permanent bridge fixed to several implant posts, full mouth dental implants give you the strength, stability, and beauty of a full set of healthy natural teeth. Full mouth dental implants are made from strong, durable material and will never shift, slip, or fall out. They can withstand normal biting forces, meaning you can enjoy all your favorite foods and live your life without the discomfort and embarrassment of old-fashioned dentures. While full mouth dental implants cost more than a traditional denture up front, they won’t need as much in terms of maintenance and replacement. The quality of function and appearance makes the cost of dental implants well worth the investment.
Black male patient and their partner joking around and having a good time

"My Shifting Teeth Caused Me Pain & Shame, Dental Implants Totally Blew Me Away!"

dental patient smiling

Superior Care You Can Afford

Getting the right dental treatment is an investment in your quality of life. We understand that the cost of dental implants can be a hurdle for some patients. However, there is no substitute for the improved quality of life implants can bring. That’s why we’ve worked to put affordable dental implants within reach for all our patients in Jacksonville, FL.

Many patients who need to replace all their teeth think the cost of dental implants will be prohibitive. They see what a single tooth implant costs and multiply by the number of teeth they need and assume that will be the final figure. The good news is that the cost of dental implants is much more manageable than that. 

You may be surprised at how affordable dental implants can be! Our streamlined approach to dental implants makes it possible to replace a full arch of teeth on as few as four to six dental implants in some cases. The cost of dental implants may also vary slightly from case to case, depending on your anatomy, available bone volume, the number of implant posts required to give you the best stability and longevity, and what additional procedures you may need.

We want you to have the improved quality of life that comes with better dental health, and we don’t want financial limitations to stand between you and the life-changing care you deserve. Our office staff will help you access affordable dental implants by helping you navigate your dental insurance benefits and find the right third-party dental financing company for you. 

Let’s talk about your teeth and how affordable dental implants can fit within your budget! A fulfilling new chapter of your life awaits you. Embrace it!

Changing your life starts with a smile you love.

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